abortion calls Posted: 29 May 2007 02:58 PM |
I can enter abortion calls by entering correspondence without a visit, and use "abortion call" as a category. But how would I measure how many of our abortion callers later come in for a visit? Or how many we have a second phone contact with? |
Re: abortion calls Posted: 04 Jun 2007 09:36 AM |
Hi mariemccoy,
I would recommend that you track this information through the appointment book. You could create an appointment category specifically for your abortion-minded callers to track these girls specifically. Then, when they come for their appointment you can mark them as "show" or if they don't come you can mark them "no show." Then using the Appointment Statistic you can get a breakdown of all your abortion minded callers who actually came to an appointment and those that did not.
If you do not currently use the appointment book and would like us to walk you through how to use it, feel free to give us a call at 972-851-1085. We'd love to help!
In Him,
Sarah Miller |
Re: abortion calls Posted: 11 Jun 2007 03:39 PM |
What about abortion callers who don't make appointments? I have not yet tried the appointment book, but I assume it is geared for a specifice appt at a specific time, rather than "maybe I'll try to come in next week sometime." I guess I could put down an arbitrary date but I don't want there to be confusion as to whether she actually made a specific appt or not.
Also, i have discovered that I am not able to record "concepts shared" on an abortion call, since a visit date is required. I really wish that a call, particularly an abortion call, that is an extended contact with a client, could be treated as an initial contact similar to an initial visit, with the initial information, concepts shared, referrals, literature used (over the phone and/or mailed), etc. I also want to be able to look at statistics regarding demographics and outcomes of calls vs. visits. Some clients have only phone (and possibly mail or email) contact because they are in outlying rural areas with no transportation.
Is there any possibility of being able to record an "initial contact" as visit OR phone call, with concepts shared, referrals, etc.? |
Re: abortion calls Posted: 13 Jun 2007 11:02 AM |
Hi Mariemccoy,
By design, when entering any activity forms, like the Concepts Shared Form, you are required to enter the date of visit, EXCEPT on the Correspondence form and the Pregnancy History form. This Correspondence form should be helpful for tracking specific info from these phone calls.
One other idea that might be helpful is to use the "Categories" feature to track certain groups of these telephone-only clients. The categories list is found at the bottom of the General Tab and can be edited to meet your needs. You might set-up several different categories called something like "Abortion minded caller--telephone contact only" or "Sent abortion info by mail," etc. Then, to track the clients with these categories you can use the Client Files Report (you would use the "Category" filter in this report).
All that being said, at this time in CenterPiece there is not a specifically designed way for you to track ALL incoming telephone calls and stats relating to them. This is something that our development team can discuss and look into the possibility of adding in a future enhancement. All my ideas mentioned above are just possible ways to track this info right now. The appointment book does allow you to get some great stats (on demographics also) so you might look into that, as well as the Categories list and the Correspondence form. Hopefully this will help for the time being. Please let us know if you have any more questions. :o)
Blessings to you today!
Sarah Miller |