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redeemed1 is not online. Last active: 8/1/2011 4:50:58 PM redeemed1
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Class Roster
Posted: 09 Nov 2006 07:06 AM
When using the class roster, I notice that you can not print the roster out nor can you export it to print. Since many classes are run by volunteers who we do not allow access to this system, it is not proving to be a useful tool for us to use. Can you allow us to print out rosters?

Also, when there are clients on a roster that are checked in, it doesn't seem to do anything in the system that would benefit the continued use of it. It would be great if once someone is checked in from a group it would automatically bring up the screen to check them into their appointment simutaneously so that there are not duplicate efforts in getting clients checked in for an appointment and then in a class. Would like to use this feature but not sure how it helps us as it is currently.

Thanks for all you do! Amy.
brianp is not online. Last active: 2/23/2025 4:03:56 PM brianp
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Re: Class Roster
Posted: 09 Nov 2006 05:43 PM
Hi redeemed1,

Yes, you can export the class roster. Here's how:

1) open the class
2) click the class roster tab
3) below the tab, Select the "Export To" value.
4) click Go

redeemed1's comment:
"Also, when there are clients on a roster that are checked in, it doesn't seem to do anything in the system that would benefit the continued use of it. "

Yes, there are benefits to checking clients in (or setting attendance). When you check the attendance for a client in the roster, the system automatically adds a Group Class attendance form to the client's file. You can test this by setting the attendance and then opening the file from the roster by clicking on the client's name. Notice there is a new form under the activity tab for the date/class you set the attendance. The roster allows you to record attendance for all client's in the class so you don't have to open up each file individually and add a Group Class form.

This information also shows up in the Class Attendance statistics (under Client Management/Statistics.

This information is also important if you offer an "Earn while you learn" program. Since checking attendance creates a form under the client activity, you can easily see when and what classes the client has attended for points.

Hope that helps!

redeemed1 is not online. Last active: 8/1/2011 4:50:58 PM redeemed1
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Re: Class Roster
Posted: 10 Nov 2006 06:13 AM
Ahhh, gotch ya. That makes sense. We still need to check in each individual as a show for their appointments though. Would be nice if it tied into that as well.

Is there any way to print off the waiting list for classes? We have about 20 clients waiting for a particular class but I haven't figured out how to print that list and end up scrolling through the list and writing it on a piece of paper to hand to our volunteers setting up classes.

Thanks for being so responsive to your clients. :)
brianp is not online. Last active: 2/23/2025 4:03:56 PM brianp
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Re: Class Roster
Posted: 10 Nov 2006 07:24 AM
Yep, you still need to check them in on the appointment book. Most centers have a receptionist that performs this task when the client first arrives to the center. Then, after the class, the instructor (staff/vol) usually updates the class roster with the attendance.

We decided not to integrate class attendance into the check-in process of the appointment book in order to keep the process simple. Plus, not all clients are coming in for classes.

Hope that makes sense.

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