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brianp is not online. Last active: 12/20/2024 2:47:16 PM brianp
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08-04-04 update
Posted: 30 Jul 2004 12:33 PM
Here's a list of new enhancements and bug fixes that are included in the next CenterPiece update to be released in the evening of 8/04/04. I'll be updating this list as we complete items and get closer to release.

Recommended Actions for this update
-Print and review all Office Forms.

Appointment Book

-Daily Resources Schedule Editor (New). The editor provides the ability to define resource availability on a daily basis. Daily resource schedules will override the default (weekly) availability in the Free/Busy control when booking appointments. The daily resource schedules should be used for exceptions, when the availability for the resource changes on a particluar day.

-Appointment Edit Form (Enhanced): The appointment edit form user interface has been updated. The form fits the screen better and should not require as much scrolling on lower resolution screens.


-Statistics Reports (Enhanced): The statistics reports(s) now allow you to select up to 3 measures and/or demographics at a time. This allows for much more granular reporting.

Office Forms

-Enhanced. You now have the ability to configure the Office Forms to include the Office Use Only questions on the forms that have client questions. This primarily applies to the Initial Visit and Pregnancy Test forms. The advantages of this option is that the forms will now match the database forms easing data entry (a lot less flipping between forms when entering data). This option is preferred when your staff completes the forms with the client.

-For center's who do not want their clients to see the Office Use Only questions, you can still configure the forms the way they have worked in the past, consolidating all the Office Use Only questions in the Office Use Only form. This option is preferred when the client completes the forms themselves.

-Initial Visit Form (Changed): The Pregnancy History section on the Initial Visit form has been removed.

-Pregnancy History Form (New): This form can now be printed seperately from the Initial Visit Form.

-Pregnancy Test Form (New Field) : Added Age? to question 16. What is the potential father's name?

Database Forms

-Initial Visit Form (Enhanced): The Office Use Only section of the Initial Visit has been moved to the bottom of the form to match the corresponding Office Forms.

-Pregnancy Test Form (Enhanced): The Office Use Only section of the Pregnancy Test Form has been moved to the bottom of the form to match the corresponding Office Forms.

-Pregnancy Test Form (New Field) : Added Age? to question 16. What is the potential father's name?

User Accounts

-Enhanced. User Accounts now required an email to be associated to the account. For existing user's, if they do not have a email associated to their account, they will be prompted to enter on upon logging in to CenterPiece.

-Enhanced. Office/Today/My Account. Added a link to allow the user to update their email account.

What has changed

-Office\Today tab -- Appointments section. The appointments list used to display all appointments for the entire center. This section has been changed to My Appointments -- displaying appointments assigned for the current logon user.

-Main Menu. The Reports menu has been removed. All client reports are now located under the Clients\Reports tab. All Donor reports are located under the Donors\Reports tab. All Staff Reports are located under the Staff\Reports tab.

-Main Menu. An Adminstration tab has been added. All administration tasks are now located under this tab. including 1) Managing announcements 2) Managing user IDs 3) updating your center's profile. These tabs were moved from the Home tab.

-Follow up. Follow up has been intregrated more with the client/donor and staff files. You can now add/edit follow up tasks from within the search screen for each type of file. The search results also dispay a 'red' flag if follow up exists for a file. A link has also been added to the client/staff/donor file menu -- allowing you to add follow up while editing a file. the follow up tab has been removed from under the client and donor main menu. A follow up report has been added to the report section under client/donor and staff management.

Bug Fixes

-Initial Visit Form. Question #2 Was Gospel Presented, was not updating correctly. This has been fixed.
-Initial Visit Form. Question #8 Have you been tested for a sexually transmitted disease, was not updating correctly. This has been fixed.

Rachelle is not online. Last active: 9/2/2004 1:34:33 PM Rachelle
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Re: 08-04-04 update (upcoming)
Posted: 09 Aug 2004 12:54 PM
Hey Brian. Wasn't sure if the bugs have been fixed yet. I tried the #2 & #8 questions on the initial visit form. Still not working. Thanks for working on this. Rachelle
brianp is not online. Last active: 12/20/2024 2:47:16 PM brianp
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Re: 08-04-04 update (upcoming)
Posted: 09 Aug 2004 12:58 PM
Hi Rachelle,

We are releasing the new version tonight. I promise. We just had to do some additional testing over the weekend. As you can see, this version includes a lot of new enhancements. Thanks for your patience!!

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