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Felesha is not online. Last active: 1/2/2007 12:43:46 PM Felesha
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Open/Closed clients
Posted: 26 Sep 2006 01:13 PM
When the client's baby is born, I change the status of the case to closed. Do I put the status of a negative test as closed or not? If the client comes back in for another test in a few months would that not be Case #2 therefore closing Case #1?
sarahm is not online. Last active: 5/27/2011 12:01:09 AM sarahm
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Re: Open/Closed clients
Posted: 26 Sep 2006 01:23 PM
Hi Felesha,
You will only start a new case if it is a NEW pregnancy related concern. For example, if it is a Retest (meaning the client has not had a period yet) then you will NOT add a new case. However, if the client has had a period since her last pregnancy test, then this is a new pregnancy related concern, and therefore a new case will need to be started. Let me know if you need more explanation on this.

Your center can determine the reasons for closing a case. We would recommend to decide on how you will manage this and then be consistant with all files. I do know of some of our centers that close a case after a negative test. I know of other centers that only close a case when they are starting a new one. There are several ways you can manage this.

Hope this helps!


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