Appointment book Posted: 26 Jun 2006 01:28 PM |
When inputting resources is there a way to select a time period and NOT have it available. Opposed to not having all day unavailable.
For example I have a consultant who comes from 9:30-1:00, and then another who comes from 5:00-6:00, but if the 5-6 person doesn't come in I can't unselect her so to speak.
:) Thank you for putting up with my fruity questions!
Ashleigh |
Re: Appointment book Posted: 26 Jun 2006 03:46 PM |
Hi Ashleigh,
You can do this by going to "Edit Daily Schedule" (found by clicking on the "Resources" box). From there you can edit just one day's schedule without messing up your default schedule. You can remove certain specific time slots (like the scenario you described), or you can mark that resource as unavailable for the entire day.
Hope this helps. :o)
Sarah |
Re: Appointment book Posted: 27 Jun 2006 12:41 PM |
How do I make unavailable a specific time slot? I try to make unavailable 5-6 but to no avail. I can select that certain time, or check not available all day. Am I missing something?
Ashleigh |
Re: Appointment book Posted: 27 Jun 2006 02:35 PM |
When you are editing the daily schedule, you will first need to click on the time block that is needing to be changed, and then hit the "clear" button. Once you have done this, then you will be able to set the time to what you want it to be for that one day.
Hopefully this will fix your problem. Just let me know if you still continue to have trouble with this. ;o)
Re: Appointment book Posted: 27 Jun 2006 03:07 PM |
Right, I know how to select if I want to "ADD" a certain time, but how can I "UNSELECT" a certain time, but not make unavailable the whole day? |
Re: Appointment book Posted: 27 Jun 2006 03:40 PM |
Hi ashleighlvpc,
The appointment book allows you to select hours for availability. by default, no hours are selected for availability. this is by design and probably will not change. If you want to specify a person is not available between 2-3pm. You need to specify 2 ranges of availability - Range1 between 8am-2pm and Range2 between 2pm-5pm (assuming your office hours for the day are between 8am and 5pm).
hope that helps. |
Re: Appointment book Posted: 27 Jun 2006 03:41 PM |
sorry, Range2 should be 3pm-5pm. |
Re: Appointment book Posted: 27 Jun 2006 03:57 PM |
DUH!!! You geniuses never cease to amaze me! You have a solution for everything. Thank you very much, this now makes sense to me. Have an awesome rest of the week if you don't hear from me before (not making any promises).
God Bless the brainless,
Ashleigh |
Joined: 27 Jul 2006 |
Total Posts: 1 |
Re: Appointment book Posted: 27 Jul 2006 03:24 PM |
In order to enter in someone in the appointment book, do they have to have been entered into the Ekyros system first? |
Re: Appointment book Posted: 27 Jul 2006 06:51 PM |
Hi Meredith,
Yes, to create an appointment, you need to specify a client file. If the file does not exist, you can create it within the appointment by clicking on the elipsis button (button with 3 periods "...") next to the client name field. Hope that helps. |
Joined: 26 Mar 2007 |
Total Posts: 31 |
Re: Appointment book Posted: 26 Mar 2007 02:38 PM |
We are not currently using our appointment book, but it would be very valuable for us, especially with after hours hotline volunteers.We aren't using the client software yet either, but may decide to start soon. My concern is, we only have one person enter all of the client stats(for consistency and quality control). Would it be possible to make appointment book priveleges separate from client file priveleges? Otherwise, our volunteers can't use the appointment book feature... |
Re: Appointment book Posted: 30 Mar 2007 10:52 AM |
Hi Munchkin,
As it is today, appointment book access is included in the "Client Manager" security role. So, if a user is given client access they will be able to access all client file info AND the appointment book.
However, we have previously discussed the possibility of adding a new security role that would allow access only to the appointment book. We do not yet have a timeline as to when this feature might be added, but will keep you posted with updates. Thanks so much for your feedback and for taking the time to give us your input.
Have a wonderful day! :o)
Sarah Miller |
Joined: 12 Jul 2006 |
Total Posts: 2 |
Re: Appointment book Default Resource Schedule Posted: 11 Jun 2007 02:04 PM |
I have set up our Default Resource Schedule in Centerpiece and although the schedule is correct when I view it from the drop down menu where it is set up, it appears correct, When I look at a particular day's resources, the hours are incorrect. I thought that it may take overnight for it to show up, but I verified everything on Friday, and here we are on Monday and the default schedule is not correct. What am I doing wrong?
Re: Appointment book Default Resource Schedule Posted: 13 Jun 2007 08:21 AM |
Hi Henges,
So sorry for our late reply. Can you walk me through the steps you are taking to set-up your schedule? If you would like, you can call me directly so we can help you with this over the phone. You can call our office at 972-851-1085. We'd love to help you with this further. :o)
In Him,
Sarah Miller |