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kellyinwaco is not online. Last active: 6/23/2004 8:37:23 AM kellyinwaco
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update release?
Posted: 19 Feb 2004 05:03 PM

Do you usually send an e-mail alert when you have completed an update? If not, do you just post it on the forum web site? When will the next one with the schedule book be up and running?
brianp is not online. Last active: 10/16/2024 9:46:07 AM brianp
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Re: update release?
Posted: 19 Feb 2004 05:55 PM
Hi Kelly,

Yes, i will send out an email notifying everyone of the new update. I post the details of new CenterPiece updates out on the forums under "Product Updates" ( here). The email i send out will include a link to this post. This way you can see a history of all the latest updates and if you ever have a question or comment about an item, you can reply to the post.

As for the current update....

Sorry for the delay in getting this out. We've been working really hard to get this out. It's just taken a little more work than we anticipated. I'm happy to inform you that the appointment reports/statistics look really good. Everything in the update is complete except for finishing touches on the reports. But we're almost done...! As of now, i can feel pretty good about a tuesday (2/24) release (it will be available tue. morning).

Speaking of reports....

Per our prior conversation(s), you will be able to report on appointment bookings by show/no show status with the ability to break-out by regular appointments versus walk-ins. We also had a chance to update the pregancy test statistics so you can view pregnancy test results broken-out by birth control (who is/who is not on birthcontrol).

Let me know if you have any additional questions.

kellyinwaco is not online. Last active: 6/23/2004 8:37:23 AM kellyinwaco
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Re: update release?
Posted: 20 Feb 2004 10:10 AM
Thanks Brian!
That sounds wonderful! My receptionist will be posting a message soon in response to your abortion vuln. question. She had a couple of additional questions to add as well!
One thing I was curious about was a spot in a client's file for additional visits such as attending our Pregnancy Support program (usually a weekly visit right now being tracked under 'correspondence' ), returning for an STD test result after a negative pregnancy test (this could involve 3 visits if they return for our Sexual Integrity program), and a Layette visit once their baby is born they return for a 'check-up' visit and are 'showered' with some new baby items. Amanda might have some additional thoughts on these items. If a form could be created and labeled follow-up visit then we could add names of the visit such as layette, etc.
If this is confusing---I can clarify!
thanks again,
brianp is not online. Last active: 10/16/2024 9:46:07 AM brianp
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Re: update release?
Posted: 20 Feb 2004 10:46 AM
Pregnancy Support Program:

If this is a recurring visit where the class runs 1 day a week for multiple weeks, you may want to look at creating a class.

(This might also apply to your sexual integrity program.)

kellyinwaco is not online. Last active: 6/23/2004 8:37:23 AM kellyinwaco
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Re: update release?
Posted: 20 Feb 2004 11:26 AM
Well 'class' would imply that more than one are attending, while pregnancy support is a one-on-one counseling session. If creating a class for one person is possible, than I will play with that option. We average between 50 -60 pregnancy support visits a month. Classes don't work for our clients so this is the approach we have developed over the last few years and the # of clients who faithfully keep these appointments is increasing!! Same thing goes with our STD test result appointments-- they are one-on-one. What do ya think?
brianp is not online. Last active: 10/16/2024 9:46:07 AM brianp
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Re: update release?
Posted: 20 Feb 2004 10:46 PM
hmmm...good point. You might want to start tracking these visits using the Concepts Shared form versus the Correspondance form.

Good candidates for the concepts shared form include:

--When the type of visit includes some type of support your center is providing to clients...including educational, spiritual, emotional etc....In most cases, this form is always completed for every client visit. Because there is always some type of support provided to the client.
--When In most cases the type of support is individual. (although you can also specify family, group and/or couple support in the Concepts form.)
-There are no recurring patterns to each visit.
-When you want to track educational material provided by your center to the client including audios, videos and literature.

You can also define multiple categories for the type of concept (see q2 in the form). This is where you would define 1) the "Pregnancy Support Program", 2) the Sexual Integrity Program and possibly 3) the STD Test/support (although this might be a candidate for it's own form. I probably need to know more about this. It just depends how this information is used.)

A little history:

The concepts shared form used to be called the "Counseling Form". However, due to legal risks for some center's that do not have licensed counselors on staff, we received feedback to rename the form to "Concepts Shared". this way it does not imply that the client is receiving "counseling"...they are just receiving "support" from your staff. Unless of course your center has a licensed counselors on staff. either way, you still use the concepts shared form to track this type of information.

Hope that helps. Take a look at the form and let me know what you think.

AmandaInWaco is not online. Last active: 2/2/2005 2:50:41 PM AmandaInWaco
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Re: update release?
Posted: 23 Feb 2004 04:24 PM

This is Amanda from Waco. I have read your response to Kelly's question. We have three other specific "visits" besides our Pregnancy Test visits. Sexual Integrity/STD Results visit, Pregnancy Support Visit, and a Layette Visit. Kelly needs an end of the month count of how many visits in each category we see. The conflict with putting them in the Correspondance category is, that on statistics, it shows the visit as Correspondance and not, for example, "Pregnancy Support". I think the same goes for the Concepts Shared. Do we need to make three whole new categories for those visits? Let me know if this doesn't make sense! Have any ideas? Thanks a lot!

brianp is not online. Last active: 10/16/2024 9:46:07 AM brianp
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Re: update release?
Posted: 23 Feb 2004 07:15 PM
Hi Amanda,

If all you need to do is track each visit by type, where you don't have to add any additional form specific data for the type of visit, you should probably use the appointment form.


-when you schedule an appointment you can specify the type of appointment in the form. the list you pick from is editable, where you can define your own types. this is where you would add the Sexual Integrity/STD Results, Pregnancy Support, and Layette.
-when you add an appointment, you just need to specify one of the items in the list above as the type.

In the version we are releasing tonight (2/23), you also get the following benefits:

-appointment forms are integrated under client file. (it appears under the activity tab).
-The statistisc provide totals for each type of appointment you define, so totals will be broken out by the items listed above, along with any additioinal appointment types you define. (you'll also be able to view totals by show/noshow status and walk-in)

hope that helps.

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