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Case Form—Spiritual Status Posted: 23 Jan 2006 10:43 AM |
In the Release Notes, on page 7, it is explained why it is important to be able to track the history of a clients’ pregnancy intentions, which may change from visit to visit. The same can be said of a clients’ spiritual status. Since this data is currently on the Case Form, it seems that each time there is a change, this information will have to be updated; therefore, erasing the history of the clients’ previous spiritual status.
It would be much more helpful if we were able to record this information per client visit. Would you please consider moving this section to the visit level in order to have more accurate reports and to be able to retain history on a clients’ spiritual activity?
For example: on her first visit, client Jane Doe is listed as “Not a believer” and the Gospel is not presented. On the clients’ second visit, the Gospel is shared with her, a spiritual discussion takes place, but the client makes no decision. On the client’s third (or later) visit, she may accept Christ and become a Christian. These visits may occur over more than a month’s time. This actually happens at our Centers and we currently have no way of recording in the database that the Gospel was shared or a client accepted Christ if it does not occur on the first initial visit (unless we go back and change the Initial Visit form, which then deletes the history and is not accurate data).
The Office Use Only intake form has both the "Spiritual Status" section and the "Concepts Shared" section on the same page. We use this form for every client visit where the client has a "counseling session" with her Client Advocate so as to track the spiritual activity, concepts shared, resources given, etc. per client visit.
It seems to me that the "Concepts Shared" activity form on the database would also be a logical place for the spiritual assessment information to be recorded. This way, any spiritual activity that takes place can be recorded per client visit. Would you consider adding this section to the “Concepts Shared” activity form?
I like the fact that on the Case Form, we can now view the “Pregnancy Intentions (At Last Contact).” Perhaps the same could be done with the Spiritual Status giving the “last known” or “at last contact” status at the case level, with the other details recorded at the visit level.
Joined: 08 Sep 2003 |
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Re: Case Form—Spiritual Status Posted: 24 Jan 2006 01:32 PM |
Hi Sheena,
As per our conversation I will talk with development about implementing this in order to keep a history of the changes. I will get back to you shortly!
Carlye |
Joined: 08 Sep 2003 |
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Re: Case Form—Spiritual Status Posted: 25 Jan 2006 09:46 AM |
Hi Sheena,
Just to recap our conversation, we discussed the importance of always keeping the three "impact" questions (pregnancy intentions, spiritual status, and commitment to abstinence) up-to-date in the software. You also talked about your center's desire to keep a running log of the client's status at each visit.
Right now the three impact questions are on the case form and can/should be updated if any change in the status is made. The questions ask you to fill out the status (pregnancy intention, spiritual, abstinence) "At Last Contact". This allows you to keep the status of the client "at last contact", but does not have a running log of the changes or lack of changes at each client visit.
One way of implementing this so that it is checked at every visit is to move the three questions off of the Case form and onto the Case Visit form and ask the questions: "Today, what is the client's pregnancy intention?, Today what is the client's spiritual status?, etc." The data entry person would fill out the information on the Case Visit Form, and the Case Form would simply display (read-only) the client's current status in those three areas.
The downfalls to this approach are that the Case Visit Form becomes pretty large and may be a bit much for everyday data entry. In addition, if someone forgot to fill out that section, it could mess-up the statistics and show that the "at last contact" is "n/a".
The up-side is that those three questions are always being brought to the data entry person's mind and are hopefully being updated every time the client enters the center. In addition it provides for a running log and allows you to see the status of those three questions at each client visit.
In discussing this proposed solution with development, they like the idea but because of the desire to keep data entry as stream-lined as possible, they had some other ideas for implementation. This functionality however would be quite time consuming to add and would hold up the Jan. 31st release. Because the release includes the CareNet and Focus on the Family reports, it is important that we get it out the centers as soon as possible. Given that, we will hold of on this request for now.
In order to address your needs, development did suggest some ways for you to currently get the information that you are requesting:
1. In order to show and keep track of the number of times a client is presented the gospel, simply add "presented gospel" to the Concepts Shared section of the Concepts Shared form. We will be adding a report that will allow you to report of the different concepts that were shared and the number of times they were shared.
2. To keep a log of the changes or lack of changes in the client's spiritual status, simply use the notes section on the client's file. We will be adding the ability to track notes by Case #, so this will help in adding some context to the note.
Thanks again for the feedback Sheena. This was great! |
Joined: 04 Mar 2005 |
Total Posts: 17 |
Re: Case Form—Spiritual Status Posted: 25 Jan 2006 10:55 AM |
Thank you for your response and all of your help!
After reading your reply, I have another question I didn't think of while we were on the phone. You spoke of a new report being added that will allow us to run a report on the different concepts that were shared, including gospel presented.
On our form, this concept is worded "Spiritual-Gospel" rather than "presented gospel." If a spiritual discussion took place, but the gospel was not presented, then we select "Spiritual-General." Does it matter that we may use different terms? Will the report still be able to pull this data if every Center potentially has different options for the Concepts Shared or do the concepts all have to be uniform?
Thank you, Sheena
Joined: 08 Sep 2003 |
Total Posts: 183 |
Re: Case Form—Spiritual Status Posted: 26 Jan 2006 01:54 PM |
Hi Sheena,
Great question! It will not matter what you name the category, it report on the entries that your center makes. You will be able to see how many times all the "concepts shared" we discussed with clients.
Hope that helps!
Talk to you soon,