Joined: 04 Mar 2005 |
Total Posts: 17 |
Focus Option Ultrasound Report Posted: 09 Nov 2005 11:40 AM |
Could you please tell us the difference between #1 "Total number of client visits this month" and #2 "Total number of individual clients seen this month"?
Where are these numbers being pulled from? Are all clients, including those who return weekly for classes, included in this report?
Also, on #8 "Salvation and New Believers" what is the source for these numbers? The number on our Focus Option Ultrasound Report for 8b (new believers in Christ) is different than the number on the Center Productivity Report for "Profession of Faith" for the same Center. Are these two reports looking for different information or searching different sources?
Thanks for your help!
Re: Focus Option Ultrasound Report Posted: 09 Nov 2005 01:07 PM |
Hi smcadoo,
See my comments below:
Total Number of Client Visits:
This is a count of all visits a client had at your center during the month. If multiple forms are entered on the same date, that date is counted only once. This information is pulled from the activity list of each client file.
Total Number of Clients Seen:
This is a count of all clients that visited your center during the month. If a client had multiple visits during the month, they are counted only once. This information is also pulled from the activity list of each client file.
Salvation and New Believers:
8A. How many time was the gospel shared this month?
-This is pulled from Question 3 under the Office Use Only section of the Initial Visit Form. It counts all forms where the value is set to "Yes"
8B. How many people became new believers in Christ?
-This is pulled from Question 2under the Office Use Only section of the Initial Visit Form. It counts all forms where the value is set to "Made Profession of Faith"
8C. How many rededicated their lives to Christ?
-This is pulled from Question 2under the Office Use Only section of the Initial Visit Form. It counts all forms where the value is set to "Rededicated Life"
All items in section 8 pull from the same data as the Initial Visit Statistics. What exactly isn't matching? Be aware that the Option Ultrasound report show totals by location. So when looking at the numbers in the stats, use the "Center Location" in column1 and "Was Gospel Presented" in column 2.
Hope that helps! |
Joined: 04 Mar 2005 |
Total Posts: 17 |
Re: Focus Option Ultrasound Report Posted: 16 Nov 2005 01:35 PM |
Thanks for your help.
Our reports, as I mentioned in my previous email, are still not matching. When I compare the Option Ultrasound report, Section 8b "How many people became new believers in Christ?" to the Center Productivity Report -- "All Spiritual Activity" section / "Profession of Faith" category -- I get two different numbers. I am looking at our Norfolk location for October 05. (Our medical clinic just opened in Oct, so this is the first month we are running the Focus report.)
The Option Ultrasound report lists "1" new believer in Christ (section 8b). The Center Productivity Report lists "0" professions of faith (section "All Spiritual Activity").
Our Norfolk location is the only one that is a medical clinic, so the Option U/S report is only run for that location. The other statistics/reports are always measured by "Center Location." So I have been comparing the same Center, same month.
Also, the Initial Visit Statistics report does not have an option for measuring by "profession of faith." It would help if I could run this report and obtain a drilldown of this statistic. But I can only compare "Was Gospel Presented" using this report. I don't see any other way to run statistics (with drilldown) on the number of Professions of Faith. Therefore, I can't determine where this difference in numbers is coming from or how to correct it. (The correct statistic should actually read "0" in the "profession of faith/new believers" category.)
Any help you can give would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Sheena |
Re: Focus Option Ultrasound Report Posted: 16 Nov 2005 02:04 PM |
Option Ultrasound Report:
hmmm...the norfolk location in the initial visit stats should match up with the spiritual activty in the center productivity report. let me check it out and get back to you.
Initial Visit Stats:
Use the "Christian Status" measure to view "Profession of Faith". Christian Status breaks out total by:
-Profession of Faith
-Already a believer
-Not a believer
-Redecidated life
Please let me know what what your Initial Visit stats say for "profession of faith" for the Norfolk location. Run the stats using Location for measure 1 and Chrisian Status for measure 2.