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1.Quickbooks Connector System Requirements
Posted by rdutcher on 3/15/2010 9:47:52 PM
I just ordered Quickbooks Pro 2010. Is that supported with the QB Connector? The help page states the following for supported Quickbooks versions:
•Premier, Non-Profit and Professional 2005-2008.

•Please note that earlier versions prior to 2005 may work fine. However has not had a chance to test against them and therefore they are not supported

Thanks for any help.

God bless
2.New User Prayer Request
Posted by rdutcher on 11/19/2007 4:29:47 PM
Please pray that our center, Embracing Options, Rochester, NY, would maximize the use of the eKryos software in carrying out the Lord's mission to protect the unborn and minister His Gospel. Also pray for Sarah to keep her great positive positive attitude. Thanks Sarah!

God bless,

Hebrews 10:24
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