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1.Client Births Report
Posted by melguz on 4/6/2023 2:02:44 PM
I'm trying to determine the number of positive PT clients who gave birth and the names of their children. It looks like using the Client Births Report may not be the best option as it pulled many more names of children than clients who had a positive test.
Any suggestions on how to obtain the information I'm looking for?
I appreciate your help!!!
2.Re: Client Births Report
Posted by melguz on 4/10/2023 10:54:58 AM
Is there any work around to find this information? I did put a range of dates, but since we provide other services, there is often a child form tied to cases that aren't necessarily pregnancy test related. Thank you!
3.Re: Client Births Report
Posted by melguz on 4/10/2023 1:42:36 PM
Thank you, Maggie! That is helpful and may be a good option for us.
4.Document Storage
Posted by melguz on 11/18/2022 6:40:47 AM
I have a question about document storage. We are now at 66% full on our document storage. Is there a way to consolidate documents or do we have to purchase more document storage? Thank you.
5.Re: Document Storage
Posted by melguz on 11/29/2022 1:25:29 PM
Thank you, Kristen! I'll be in touch via email.
6.Re: Changing a case number
Posted by melguz on 3/29/2022 1:45:15 PM
I just merged two files for the same client following the directions ekyros gave in the help section. I understood it to say that it would combine cases and number them based on the dates of service, but it did not. It looks like there is no way to change this. Appreciate any feedback so that we can figure out what to do with future files. Thank you!
7.Re: Changing a case number
Posted by melguz on 3/30/2022 9:15:05 AM
Thank you, Maggie. I will give you a call. I think what happened is that there were two files for this client for some time so multiple cases were added in each and the last case or most recent case was added to the old file. I'll be in touch. Thank you!
8.Duck Duck Go and Brave
Posted by melguz on 1/19/2021 2:14:22 PM
Is there any experiences or information using these browsers with eKYROS? I've been using these on my personal MAC and iphone. Just curious, since they seem to be a safer option. Thank you!
9.BrightCourse classes on class list
Posted by melguz on 1/19/2021 2:22:35 PM
I am having a difficult time finding some of the newly released courses in BC on eKYROS so that it can be selected for a client file. I am specifically looking for The Baby Language: Dunstan 1, 2 and 3. Thank you!
10.Re: BrightCourse classes on class list
Posted by melguz on 1/19/2021 4:06:58 PM
Thank you so much!
11.Walk in appt stats
Posted by melguz on 10/9/2020 4:20:18 PM
What report will help me determine how many appointments were walk in vs. scheduled?
12.Appts matching case visits
Posted by melguz on 8/14/2020 3:18:38 PM
We've been using eKYROS a couple months now, and we've had some issues remembering to use the quick intake form to enter a case visit and services received instead of using the "forms" in the client file. The services are then captured under the last case visit which is not the correct date the services were provided. I'm looking for an easier way to check whether case visits and appointment dates match other than going back through the schedule to look at this manually. ...
13.Re: Appts matching case visits
Posted by melguz on 8/19/2020 9:43:34 AM
Thank you, Ashleigh! It sounds like those reports may be helpful.
14.Ultrasound reports
Posted by melguz on 7/16/2020 9:23:17 AM
We have experienced some issues with our Physician being able to see ultrasound reports that are completed and ready for him to sign. This was working fine but since the update we have experienced some issues. We've had 2 so far that we have experienced an issue with. One of those was signed and the other one we are waiting to see if he is able to see it and read it. Thank you!
15.Re: Ultrasound reports
Posted by melguz on 7/17/2020 11:26:13 AM
Thank you for responding! We had two ultrasounds that were submitted by staff for our Medical Director and he was not able to see them as needing to be read. We went in to the client file to make sure we hadn't selected the "hold" button and we had not. We've only been using ekyros a month so it definitely could be user error, but we have been sending u/s reports and have had no issues until now.
16.Re: Ultrasound reports
Posted by melguz on 7/17/2020 2:05:58 PM
I am pretty certain the images and report were attached. I will check. Thank you for the input!
17.Re: Ultrasound reports
Posted by melguz on 7/17/2020 2:07:27 PM
We have always used a JPEG file for our ultrasound images. I'll make certain this was the case with these. Thank you!
18.Re: Ultrasound reports
Posted by melguz on 7/17/2020 2:09:35 PM
Our Medical Director has been using ekyros longer than we have because he reads scans for another pregnancy center, but we will try this also if it happens in the future. Thank you for the help!
19.Adding locations/ when to add clients
Posted by melguz on 5/5/2020 11:44:28 AM
I have two questions: 1. We need to add another location to our account, but when I attempted to do this I received a message that we were not set up to do this. 2. When is best to begin adding clients in? Should we wait until our data from our previous system is dumped? Thank you!
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