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1.Re: Scheduling sonograms
Posted by mbozrn on 2/20/2007 9:34:56 PM
Thx for your idea. Our problem is that we cannot see which clients are for STD or sonos just by viewing the appts. We need to open boxes on each appt to do that for the methods you proposed if I have it right. I would like a second scheduling PAGE for medical so the receptionists do not confuse medical patients with pregnancy test clients. Is that possible?

One suggestion with your method was to give medical patients a prefix or symbol before their name when they are entered. ...
2.Re: Scheduling sonograms
Posted by mbozrn on 2/20/2007 10:03:07 PM
I just tried it. When I entered the client as a new patient "Harry Harry - an ultrasound under category there, save and close.
Then i scheduled an appt and under category there, my choices did not include sonogm so I put 'ab-minded' which is what shows up on the schedule. So others would have no clue that Harry is a sonogm patient.
Can we add sonogram or ultrasound to category under the 'make the appt' page? That might work. I'd still like a SEPARATE ...
3.Re: Scheduling sonograms
Posted by mbozrn on 2/24/2007 10:07:12 AM
Thank you sir. We have successfullyadded Sonogram to the list. As I said previously, that is adequate but not ideal. Could we have a separate identical schedule page for Medical patients(page 2)? Thanks, MBOZ
4.Re: Scheduling sonograms
Posted by mbozrn on 3/6/2007 10:28:46 PM
Same question - is it possible to have a page 2 identical to page 1 of schedule for medical patients? Thanks mboz
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