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1.Re: counting unique clients
Posted by jcgamboa on 2/18/2009 12:56:59 PM
There is no doubt that this particular feature was overlooked. We are accustomed to having such a number from our previous "Access System". There are too numerous needs for the individual counting number. We need it now. Please let us know when this feature will be added. We have had two major items we needed this for and had to do a guesstimate of the number instead of just looking it up in your database. Need it NOW!
2.Re: counting unique clients
Posted by jcgamboa on 4/8/2009 10:48:40 AM
We now have your billing for payment, but our CEO is holding it until she can contact the CEO of Ekyros to discuss this issue of counting clients once for yearly stats we need. We have funding requests and other data that must be reported to our board. It was believed that this counting of clients based quarterly and yearly was part of your original database as this was unique to our previous system. We added this system to our services based upon this number being a part of your database. ...
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