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1.Re: Correspondence tab data
Posted by Doloresc on 10/9/2024 8:13:29 AM
Good Morning, MelGuz! Yes, you may look at correspondence statistics by the demographic of category and see exactly what you want for your selected time frame. The great news is there are many demographics which you can add to further analyze your correspondence. I hope that helps!
2.Re: Quickbooks Online
Posted by Doloresc on 5/22/2024 8:31:42 AM
Hi MattT, Thanks for writing into our forums! The QB online connecter is being built now. I don't have a release date as of yet, although you may watch the announcements for the latest information on the status. It is coming soon.
3.Re: Case Visit Primary Reason - Disabled Options are Visible
Posted by Doloresc on 4/24/2017 10:47:10 AM
Happy Monday abuckner! Thanks for contacting us. When you edit the list, after you check enable/disable please be sure to select UPDATE before closing. It sounds like that is the only step you are missing to have the item be disabled.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact your Account Manager directly for further assistance.
Have a beautiful day!

4.Re: Listing Donors by City
Posted by doloresc on 9/9/2021 8:27:54 AM
Hello Pam, Yes, you can create file categories; that is one way. You can also run a batch receipts report, change into list view, then sort by city and change to label view. This will keep your sort order. For further instructions or questions, please feel free to reach out to your designated Account Manager. Have a beautiful day!
5.Re: Marking Donor accounts for Correspondence
Posted by Doloresc on 7/25/2019 3:25:36 PM
Hi adavis763,

Thanks for submitting your request to the forums for consideration. Yes, great job explaining how you would use this functionality within a correspondence form. So, you would like to be able to look up and link multiple Donors after filling out one correspondence form detailing your correspondence type and details. I will detail this feedback on your center account (thanks for including your site in your user name-GREAT idea) and submit to our development team ...
6.Re: Loss of feature in Donor Management Sponsor page at last ekyros update
Posted by Doloresc on 8/6/2019 4:09:34 PM
Hi Jvanture!

Thank you for reporting this and providing such great detail. We will check into the functionality and see if this is something that can be restored where all sponsors are indeed listed alphabetically as it was previously. Again, thank you for reporting and for the clarity! Have a beautiful day!!

7.Re: formatting batch receipt letters
Posted by Doloresc on 3/12/2019 8:10:35 AM
Good morning optionsnj,

Thank you for your post!
Our letters are formatted to fit #9 double window envelopes. Please try those and they will work nicely. Should you have any other questions on this, please feel free to contact your Account Manager directly at (469) 293-3079.
Thank you again for posting and have a fabulous day!

8.Re: Savvy
Posted by Doloresc on 11/8/2018 5:05:47 PM
Hi jvanture,

Thanks for posting in our forums. Yes, we do partner with Star Financial Services, as well as a few other online giving partners. Our preferred online giving partner is Stewardship Technologies. You can check out all the giving partners by searching online giving connector in the Help tab once you are logged into Centerpiece.

Please feel free to contact your Account representative if you have any questions.
Thanks again for ...
9.Re: Finding stat on total individual clients served
Posted by Doloresc on 6/14/2018 2:54:57 PM
Hi adcantrell,

The best report for you to get an un-duplicated count of client visits would be the Unique Clients Served by Center report. This will give you exactly what you are looking for.

Thank you for writing in and have a beautiful day!
10.Re: abstinence section of ekyros
Posted by Doloresc on 3/7/2018 2:08:09 PM
Hi CindyR,
Thanks for writing in! The abstinence question is the last question on the case form. Once entered there, you may pull a report on how many of your clients chose abstinence by going to Client Reports and clicking on report under Pregnancy Support named "Client Case Statistics" and selecting your first demographic of Abstinence status. This will show you how many selected Abstinence and how many did not.
I hope you find that helpful. Please feel free to ...
11.Re: Missing Resource
Posted by Doloresc on 2/8/2018 3:05:28 PM
Hello Amanda,

It could simply be that the Resource was disabled in this case and you would go to your Resource list to check and then make certain that the enable button is checked. If you have any further issue, please call me and I am happy to talk you through ways we can locate that "missing resource" and remedy your issue.
Thank you for writing in today.
Dolores Crawford
(469) 293-3079 Ext 108
12.Re: Non-monetary donations
Posted by Doloresc on 9/5/2017 10:50:29 AM
Hi ElizabethLamont,

It is great to hear from you. Yes, you may enter the "Gift-In-Kind" donation into the Donors file by putting in a ZERO dollar value and then can use the comment section to note what the item(s) are. The Donor would be the one to file that receipt with their taxes at the end of the year and claim the value then.
I hope this makes sense and is helpful to you. Please call your designated Account Manager should you need further clarity. Our ...
13.Re: Medical tab
Posted by Doloresc on 8/28/2017 8:40:03 AM
Hi nursenelson,

That is a great question! When you open the Medical Tab, you (and DR) will see that the patients birth-date, LMP and due-date which do pull directly from the pregnancy test.
Our new Medical History form is comprised of the medical questions from the previous pregnancy test form, along with some additional ones. Should the DR. wish to see the "social" questions off of the PG. test, he can simply click into the clients file and view it.
14.Re: Data encryption
Posted by Doloresc on 8/8/2017 3:59:14 PM
Hi Jaye!
I am your designated Account Manager. I am going to email you over a copy of our Centerpiece Security document which details data encryption and all of the many stringent security measures that eKyros uses to protect your ePHI. It is great to hear from you!
Dolores Crawford/Account Manager
15.Re: Appointment statistics and a 4th field
Posted by doloresc on 7/28/2015 2:16:35 PM
Sandyc I apologize for the delay in response to this. Those are both great suggestions. I can see how having the ability to view times would greatly assist in time management and planning for optimization of staff and volunteer times/office hours. As far as the demographics of staff/volunteer in statistics goes, that might pose a bit more challenge for development just due to the fact that the system would have so many drill down and filtering points in which to search. I will certainly ...
16.Re: Scheduler Request
Posted by Doloresc on 3/20/2017 9:07:13 AM
Good Morning abuckner and thank you for the suggestion on the scheduler. (revised)
I see where a method of having the ability to block off multiple time slots would be very helpful. We actually do have that functionality now actually. You would simply check off those time slots in the bottom box. You can actually even go in and select multiple rooms in the same area. Should you have any questions about the work flow if this, please feel free to call on your Account Manager.
17.Re: Emailing staff
Posted by Doloresc on 4/11/2017 3:30:12 PM
Hi jvanture! I hope you are having a terrific Tuesday! Yes, that is a great idea and we have had the request to email staff. I feel pretty certain that it is a feature we will look at adding sometime in the future. Email is so convenient and I agree that it is an awesome way to keep in touch with your volunteers. I currently do not have a release date or commitment on that yet from development on this feature. Our Road Map under the Help Tab is a great place to look; we have some ...
18.Re: Add Children
Posted by DoloresC on 3/14/2017 4:21:30 PM
Hi gharrington,
Welcome to the Forums. The outcome and Children form are separated out in order that we may have a Children's list separate from case outcomes.
Being re-directed or having a pop up solution might be a thought to make the process to tie the two together easier in data entry for the outcome to show up on the Birth Report. I will check into it and see if that is a possibility in moving forward.
Thanks so much for your suggestion and have a beautiful ...
19.Re: Text Reminders
Posted by Doloresc on 8/5/2016 9:21:44 AM
Hi Leahm:
I apologize that you are experiencing difficulties within the scheduler and text reminders. The SMS text reminders do not include email responses so I am a little confused as to the issue you are having. You may call the Account Manager for your territory or certainly contact anyone here on the team for assistance by calling (469) 293-3079. We are eager to assist you in resolving this today.

20.Re: Relationships between Donor Files
Posted by Doloresc on 6/6/2016 3:38:26 PM
Great questions MonicaM! Currently you do not have the ability to edit the relationship list, although I can clearly see how it would be a well used feature. I would be happy to submit a request to development for recommendation on your behalf.
Additionally, I have heard my Director of Service mention that we would some day like to have reciprocity between donor files specific to the relationship tab. I believe this is similar to what you are requesting.
I greatly appreciate ...
21.Re: Earn While You Learn Parenting Program
Posted by Doloresc on 4/27/2016 3:12:59 PM
Hi ccpcbanquet, Thanks for a great question! The larger multi location centers that I have assisted typically have printed "baby bucks" and put the responsibility on the client to keep those until redemption. If you are searching for how to look at what lessons a client has taken, you would check (on any & all sites) for their classes taken in the Activity tab.. You can filter within the Activity tab by "individual education" to get just the list of this activity only. ...
22.Re: Ongoing Volunteer Training
Posted by Doloresc on 3/17/2016 3:20:29 PM
Hi Alyce, Edna Gladney, Bethany and other adoption agencies often are happy to come and present adoption trainings on how best to talk about adoption and they include lunch and hand-outs. We gathered post abortion hand outs and had someone come and speak about after affects. Also, bringing in someone from the community who works at a violence shelter always gives great insight into signs of abuse to look for and how to talk about tough subjects. Check with In-Joy for videos.
I hope ...
23.Re: Care Net Renewal 2015
Posted by Doloresc on 2/11/2016 8:31:30 AM
Thank you for your Question Opperman90! You are correct. Question 55 on the Care Net Renewal form for 2015 asks who accompanied the Client. That information IS pulled from the Case Visit form and populates into the Care Net Report we have integrated into CenterPiece. The numbers are there for you. Simply go to your Reports and scroll down to #55 where you will see the breakdowns and grand total.
As always, if you have any questions, you may call your Account Manager and it is our ...
24.Re: Client Intentions Last Contact
Posted by Doloresc on 10/8/2015 6:17:54 PM
Hello aholmes,

That is a great question! Thank you for posting and also having such great diligence in working to be certain that your data is in pristine condition. WONDERFUL!

I have listed the stages of the At-Risk timeline below as well as the form from which this information is gathered. Please note that the clients last intentions are pulled from the LAST CONTACT that you had with the client. For example, if your client only came in for a Pregnancy ...
25.Re: ultrasound policy
Posted by doloresc on 4/27/2015 2:57:18 PM
At my previous center the protocol is 6-8 weeks if ABM or ABV and then up to 24 weeks. We have based that on our state and close surrounding states and their criteria for performing abortion. (we are in TX but OK goes up to 24 weeks). Our DR. feels like anything above what must be done to save the baby is opening us up to risk and of course patients should be under DR. care asap. I hope that helps.
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