1. | Ongoing Volunteer Training Posted by cprcvisalia on 8/5/2015 1:30:12 PM I am working on a Monthly calendar for ongoing volunteer training and would like to know what other center's are using. What I'm looking for are DVD on abortion risk and procedure, adoption, abstinence, relationships and post abortion. I have several VHS tapes but very few DVD training videos. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Alyce Gregory
Care Pregnancy Resource Center
Visalia, Ca 93277
2. | Online Bill Pay Posted by cprcvisalia on 1/7/2015 2:30:25 PM I am looking for a policy/procedure for online or electronic bill pay through online banking. If you have one you don't mind sharing, please email your policy to cpcvisalia@sbcglobal.net.
Thank you,
Alyce Gregory
Office Manger
Care Pregnancy Resource Center
1710 W Walnut
Visalia, Ca 93277
559-625-5550 |