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1.Ultrasound Statisitcs Report
Posted by cindyo on 2/23/2009 1:17:34 PM
I ran my first Ultrasound Statistcs Report, and the two clients with outcomes are listed as both Option Ultrasound clients and Pregnancy Only Clients. I don't understand that.
2.Updating the Case Form
Posted by cindyo on 2/23/2009 1:03:56 PM
We're new to ekyros as of 1/1/09. When we have an update to make to the Case Form, for example, a client's commitment to abstinence changes from one visit to the next, how is that accomplished? Does ekyros have the ability to report on that change? Is the Case Form automatically updated when the Pregnancy Intentions or Spiritual Status are updated? Where would one view the previous entry to confirm when the record was updated? In the instance of Pregnancy Intentions, my guess is that we ...
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