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1.Re: Marking Donor accounts for Correspondence
Posted by christij on 3/12/2009 5:09:25 PM
Hey Embers, thank you for your correspondence regarding mass 'selecting or deselecting'. I can see where it would be convenient to mark specific donors for direct mail pieces or mark specfic donors for Newsletters and/or for both. Currently, the best way to sort for mailing is to select a category for the individual donor and pull that category. I will submit your request for our next release. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance. Thank you
2.Re: Emailing from Donor List
Posted by Christij on 8/30/2010 10:40:35 AM
Hi LouAnne,
Hope you are having a good morning. I appreciate your request, and love the idea of saving money by sending your receipts via email. Our systems is not designed at this point in time to send a donor's unique receipt to each individual donor by means of a mail merge with multiple receiptient list. Although, as you said, you can do one at a time. In the future this would be something that would be a great benefit and I will pass this along to our development team. ...
3.Re: Client Case Statistics
Posted by Christij on 5/12/2010 4:28:30 PM
Hi Karen, thank you for your inquiry. One way would be to run the Unique Clients Served By Date Range Report. Set any range your would like, even multiple years, then Run Report, then View as List, Order by Subheading State, or Zip Code and then Export to Excel. Excel will inturn give you a column count. Thanks for the question.
4.Re: Problem in Event Group/Church
Posted by Christij on 5/28/2009 12:07:19 PM
Just an additional thought. On your donation forms is the church affiliation field completed? Thanks
5.Re: how heard about us report
Posted by Christij on 3/20/2009 2:53:11 PM
Hey Laura, thanks for the question. Here is what to do: 1) select CLIENT MANAGEMENT 2) select from the lefthand vertical tabs STATISTICS 3) under APPOINTMENTS AND VISITS select the 4th selection INITIAL VISIT STATISTIC 4) on the top right 'measures' select HOW CLIENT HEARD ABOUT US. That shoud do it. Let me know if there is anything else to help with. Thanks
6.Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted by Christij on 1/13/2011 10:58:14 AM
Thank you so much for the excellent feedback. I understand your need for a multiple selection of items, like exists in the Payment Type filter. The upcoming release is dedicated to the new Client Scheduler, the New Client 'Quick Form' and the New CareNet Report. I will communicate your request to development and ask for it as a priority. I do want you to know that 2011's release enhancements will focus on Donor Management, and we are implementing a new reporting system. Please ...
7.Re: Purging Needs list
Posted by Christij on 7/28/2010 1:59:37 PM
Hi Georgia,
Thank you for the question. Today, you will have to either remove the item from their Closets/Boutiques Form or fill the need by adding a new Closets/Boutique Form and entering that item in as received. I will recommend to development that we view the Needs Report in the Format of a List, View as Lists, to expedite any clean up. Thank you for your feedback.
God Bless you and your staff. Christij

8.Re: Please return zip to case form
Posted by Christij on 1/27/2011 10:43:52 AM
Good Morning Georgia,
Thank you for your valuable feedback. I will send your request to development. I know the automatic zip code link is a great convenience. Thank you so much for commenting on the new enhancements. Many centers have commented about the expedited data entry. They too like the tasking open on the left margin and also the availability of the quick form. Thank you again.
Christi J.
9.Re: sending letter to a specified few donors
Posted by Christij on 1/17/2011 9:37:17 AM
Hi Denise,
Hope you are having a good morning. Smiley Thank you for your response. One way you can identify a group of donors and pull them together in reporting to create a list, create a letter, or run labels is to create a Category on their General Tab. You will find this Category at the bottom of the General Tab. Click Edit List, Add New Item, Type in the Category Description, then click the word ...
10.Re: Link to accept online donations
Posted by Christij on 12/6/2010 4:40:23 PM
Hi Stewart,
Thank you for the inquiry. That is a great suggestion and 'yes' it is under consideration. I am unable to give you a time frame on this feature update, but again, it has been added to our future donor development request. Please feel free to continue to send your request. 2011 should be an exciting year for Donor Management.
Thank you, ChristiJ.
11.Re: Posting to Quickbooks
Posted by Christij on 12/6/2010 4:49:49 PM
Hi and thank you for the inquiry. I am not QuicksBooks expert, but the problem could be as simple as the payment was not selected for deposit, or the date range for the deposit did not encompased the donation date. Let's take a look at this together. Can you give me a call and we can set up a Live Assit and see what the problem might be. Thank you. Christi J. Ext 104. :o)
12.Re: Counselor drop down
Posted by Christij on 5/3/2010 4:28:53 PM
Hi Karole, Hope you and your staff are having a wonderful day. Yes, you can clean up your volunteer data base. Select each volunteer that you would like to remove from the drop down list. Then select the Status option at the bottom of their General Tab. Deselect the Active Check Box, thus making the volunteer 'inactive'. They will no longer apear on your drop downs. Sincerely, Christij
13.Re: group class
Posted by Christij on 10/5/2010 8:13:29 AM
Good Morning Sandi,
Thank you for the inquiry. You can select Client Management, Statistics and Class Attendance Statistics. Then select Class Name under column 2. This will display the number of clients that attended classes by the name of the class. Remember you can also drill down on the number to view the individual clients that make up this number. One more thing, you can even be more specific if you would like? You can set 2 measures, column 2 set to Class Type (individual ...
14.Re: group class
Posted by Christij on 10/5/2010 10:00:33 AM
Hi Sandi,
Thank you for the additional questions. I understand what you are saying. Two things you can do. One is obviously a manual count of the clients. They present in alpha order so just count each name one time. You also could look at the attendance roster under the group class tab and count the check marks for attendance. I would be happy to call you this afternoon and we can talk more about this. Thank you.

15.Re: Pledge statements
Posted by Christij on 9/21/2010 2:49:42 PM
Hi, to send pledges to late pledgers, create a category called 'late pledgers'. You can do this by editing the category list on the bottom of a donor general tab. Once the category is created, then apply it to the 5 or more pledgers that have come in late. Run your pledge statements as before with the filter of Category 'Late Pledger'. This will only present with the late pledgers. Export statements for printing as usual. Thank you,
Sincerely, Christij
16.Re: tracking home and hospital visits
Posted by Christij on 9/15/2010 8:37:43 AM
Hi ScienceLady,
Hope you are having a good morning. The Statistic that contains the correspondence is the Activity Statisitic. Under Column 2 set the measure to Acitivity Type. Then Run Report. The Statistic will present with all activity broken down by Activity Type. To reveal who received the Correspondences just click on the number either by the month or the year total.

I will pass along your suggestion to our development team, a statistic for Correspondence ...
17.Re: Uploading Information From Excel Spreadsheet
Posted by Christij on 9/1/2010 8:35:49 AM
Good Morning Lou Anne,
Thank you for the question. An import is something that we can do for you. We do imports from many different systems. We would just require that a system be exported into an Excel Spreadsheet or CSV file prior to our import. Please let us know if you would like to receive a data import form to begin the process of the import.
18.Re: time line
Posted by Christij on 8/23/2010 8:15:54 AM
Good Morning Sandi,
Hope you are doing well today, Yes, create a final assessment stating Likely to Carry for Assessment and then Intends to Carry for Client Intentions. Also, you will need to set the outcome on the Case as Birth. Outcome can be found under Case List Tab, "Open" the Case, look to the right and Set Outcome as Birth. Then, as your center is tracking children, you can record the Birth on the Children Tab. Thank you so much, Christij
19.Re: time line
Posted by Christij on 8/23/2010 9:04:39 AM
Hi Sandi,
Your statistics will be accurate, if you complete the Final Assessment. In reporting and statistics this will indicate that thru your center support, the client has had a change of mind regarding the pregnancy. Great Job! Also, set the Outcome on the Case as Birth. Cases are very simple, in that, we create a Case, a pregnancy related concern or support cycle, and then we set the Outcome on our Cases. This will the best way to keep your reports and statistics accurate. ...
20.Re: time line
Posted by Christij on 8/27/2010 9:00:13 AM
Hi Karole,
Thank you for the question. The client's initial stated intentions, where the client intentions are Abortion or Undecided, and then a change in intention to Intends to Carry after the Pregnancy Test- Stage 2, or after the Sonogram- Stage 3, or after a Final Assessment- Stage 4 will be easily viewed by running the Pregnancy Test Statistics and setting Column 2 to Changed Abortion View. That is all you will need to do. Thank you so much and God Bless you and your center ...
21.Re: New Case Visit
Posted by Christij on 7/29/2010 8:16:53 AM
Hi Karole,
Thank you for the inquiry. I think it is great that you are checking your data for errors. Could you contact your account manager. I know that they would love to help you by reviewing your data with you. Sometimes it is easier to discover an error when we are together looking at the data. Thank you and we look forward to assisting you. Christij
22.Re: Mass Delete files from donor list
Posted by Christij on 8/9/2010 8:26:07 AM
Hi Keith,
Thank you for the question. Yes, you can delete your files one at a time. I would love to talk more about this task with you if you could give me a call. Christij at ext 104. Thank you.
23.Re: getting started
Posted by Christij on 8/16/2010 3:00:46 PM
Yes, Ruthie that sounds great.Smiley Could you call me at 469-293-3079 ext 104. I am Christi J. and would love to assist you in the next step. Thank you.
24.Re: Need report with SS numbers
Posted by Christij on 7/7/2010 9:24:15 AM
Hi Georgia, Thank you for explanding on your need for a report to generate this information. I definitely can see the need. I will talk to our development department and explain that this is a high priorty to you. Thank you for your wonderful feedback.

Christi J.
25.Re: Calendar feature
Posted by Christij on 6/30/2010 9:16:05 AM
Hi Georgia,
Thank you for the request. I will pass this along to development. Hope you are having a good morning. Blessings to you and your staff, Christi
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