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1.Recover Deleted File
Posted by sandidavis on 6/4/2014 9:02:49 AM
Is there anyway to recover a client file that was incorrectly deleted?
Posted by sandidavis on 8/20/2012 9:16:12 AM
When do you anticipate the update that will allow for Ekyros to run on other browers? I have a macbook and have to use a diff computer for Ekyros work.

Thanks, Sandi
Posted by sandidavis on 5/9/2011 2:01:22 PM

I was doing data entry today and realized that there is an issue with a drop down list. Under literature, it is showing the enabled and disabled as choices.

4.New Release
Posted by sandidavis on 1/26/2011 1:37:42 PM

Your tech team did an amazing job with all of the updates. We are very excited about the time we will save and the errors that will be avoided. However, there is one concern. In the past, all of the lists could only be edited by someone with administrative priviledges. It appears now that any one can edit a list and that is not good beacause our client educators enter a good portion of their own data. I know this is not a best practice, but it is our reality. Is this correct ...
Posted by sandidavis on 10/11/2010 11:11:27 AM

The last contact is at the sonogram. THere is no final assessment. I find out the client decided to carry and has delivered. I enter the birth as the case outcome. Do I have to add a final assessment in order for it to be correct on the timeline and count as a changed mind?

Negative test need a final outcome of nonpregnancy?

6.tracking resources
Posted by sandidavis on 10/14/2010 9:08:17 AM


We applaud the upcomg changes to the appointment book. We look forward to utlizing this tool now that appointments do not have to be linked to a client file.

We have to track the number of hours per month that pregnancy tests and sonograms are available to our clients. Is there a way for the scheduler to have a report that would calculate the number of hours each were available?

Thanks for everything you do ... class
Posted by sandidavis on 10/5/2010 8:04:05 AM
How do I find unduplicated visits for group classes? If I use client program stats, I get a mix of class and concepts shared because of the way they are assigned to program type is assigned to both concepts shared and group classes.

8.Re: group class
Posted by sandidavis on 10/5/2010 8:41:26 AM

Hi Christi,

I did that and when I drill down to the names they are duplicated. I am trying to find out how many attended class. Like 50 women came 4 times would be 100. I need a way to find the 50. I hope I am making sense.

9.Re: group class
Posted by sandidavis on 10/11/2010 10:01:22 AM

Hi Christi,

Yes, I understand the manual way. That is what I have been doing. It would be nice to pull that out of stats. Is seems to be getting asked more and more by donors and on grant apps.

10.time line
Posted by sandidavis on 8/23/2010 8:06:50 AM
I client is am or av at last contact on no final assessments entered. Through final followup it is determined that the client gave birht and the birth is entered. Will that change the timeline or do you have to add the final assessment?
11.Re: time line
Posted by sandidavis on 8/23/2010 8:50:30 AM
So if I enter the birth and not the final assessment, I will not get accurate stats?
12.n/a and closing neg test
Posted by sandidavis on 2/11/2010 9:22:21 AM


When is it correct to use n/a for intention and assessment?

Is it correct to close neg test as non pregnancy for outcome?

13.How did you here about us?
Posted by sandidavis on 11/30/2009 9:11:01 PM
When entering data today, we noticed that friend/relative and agency where missing from our list. I added them back, but that does nothing to take care of the ones that were previously added under those to categories. I believe they all reverted to unknown and other.

Also, when is it appropriate to use n/a on an intention for pregnancy.

14.Re: How did you here about us?
Posted by sandidavis on 11/30/2009 9:16:07 PM
PS I noticce that many of our case forms are blank in that questions and yet I know something was entered. The blank ones seems to invovle the 2 above categories mentioned,
15.drop downs
Posted by sandidavis on 9/25/2008 11:08:38 AM

I have a new computer. I am not able to see the whole drop down lists, ie concepts shared. I know it is probably a simple setting change. Could you please help me. Thanks Sandi
16.Re: drop downs
Posted by sandidavis on 9/25/2008 11:25:48 AM
Thanks Tommy, I should have mentioned that I had already tried that. I vaquely remember having this problem before, but don't remember what to do.
17.Re: error
Posted by sandidavis on 9/25/2008 10:45:27 AM
Go to

You can download am add on for fire fox that give you an IE tab. Then when you go to open Ekyros, right click and select open with IE tab.

You have to remember that Ekyros is meant for IE so when using FF you may see some differences, but it is functional.
18.Abortion Minded Clients
Posted by sandidavis on 8/29/2008 11:20:58 AM
How do I determine the number of clients who come in AM? Where is the data for the recommended report coming from?

We have some detailed questions about reports that we would like to be able to sit down and talk with you about at CareNet. Would that be possible?

Thanks for all of your support,
19.Re: Abortion Minded Clients
Posted by sandidavis on 8/29/2008 12:33:24 PM
What is the diff between the above and considering abortion?
20.Re: Abortion Minded Clients
Posted by sandidavis on 9/2/2008 8:34:01 AM
Is this pulled fron the counselor's assessment?
21.Re: Abortion Minded Clients
Posted by sandidavis on 9/2/2008 10:10:50 AM
First of all, thanks for all of your help it is greatly appreciated.

On Center Productivity Report - Changed Abortion view refers to postive test changed minds?
22.Re: Abortion Minded Clients
Posted by sandidavis on 9/2/2008 1:30:55 PM
That last question was from me, Sandi Davis. My son had created a name when he was doing data entry here and must have left himself logged in if that is possible. If this feels like it would be better discussed, please call me tommorow between 9-11 and 2-5 EST. Thanks Sandi
23.changed minds
Posted by sandidavis on 4/24/2008 2:42:25 PM
Does changed abortion view on the Center Productivity Report = the number of all changed minds for the month?
24.type of support
Posted by sandidavis on 2/18/2008 12:35:59 PM
We received a grant from NFI. One of the questoins they ask on their monthly report is "Number of men accompanying the female for the pregnancy test". I thought we would be able to pull that from type of support on concepts shared. We have been checking couple when the guy is in the room and a part of at least some of the session, but did not fill out info for client intake. Which report do I pull that up on? Thanks for your help. Sandi clients
Posted by sandidavis on 11/15/2007 7:48:42 AM
We had about 29 clients last months that were entered as return on the case visit form and they should have been entered as new, because it was a new possible pregnancy. What is the easiest way to correct this?
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