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1.New location
Posted by samsarah on 12/28/2006 1:37:01 PM

What is the procedure regarding adding a new location? We have a new satellite beginning on the west side and we need to be able to indicate the client was seen at that location vs San Antonio location.

Sarah Stone

2.Re: New location
Posted by samsarah on 12/28/2006 2:29:46 PM
Thanks and Happy New Year!
3.Retrieving client files
Posted by Samsarah on 8/25/2008 1:43:29 PM
How difficult would it be to add a client's phone number to the drop down list in Client Files
as a way to retrieve a client file. In other words, we now have the options, last name, birthdate, ssn, organization, key words. It would be very helpful for our nurse to be able to pull up a client's file after they have left a phone number on her cell phone.

Clear as mud?

4.Re: Retrieving client files
Posted by Samsarah on 9/3/2008 12:59:50 PM
Our nurse is on call 24/7. There are many times she sees a phone number on her phone caller ID and before she calls them back, she would like to check to see who they are and get current on their case.

Any help would be great.

5.Pulling up client by last name
Posted by Samsarah on 8/15/2008 3:10:47 PM

We have always had problems pulling up a client file by using "last name/first name". We either have to have her birthday information, or have to go through the entire letter. In other words, if we have a Jane Smith, and type in Smith, Jane, it always tells us there is no record. If we type in her birthday, she pops up, or we have to go through the s's to find her - time consuming. Is this just a problem with our system?

Sarah Stone
6.Re: Gospel presentation report
Posted by Samsarah on 1/23/2008 5:49:58 PM
Actually, this doesn't really answer her question, which is my question about how may we retrieve "accepted the gospel". When I pulled up the CareNet report, it shows that we had "0" accept the gospel and I know our data entry people recorded this field.

Also, I am having a problem with the stats for how many chose life for abortion minded and abortion vulnerable clients. My nurse has one number, the CareNet pulled up a different number, and the Focus ...
7.Re: Gospel presentation report
Posted by Samsarah on 1/24/2008 12:50:17 PM
Hello Sarah,

We are doing what you said above. Our data entry people are posting on the Case Form: Client's Spiritual Status and if the client "accepts the gospel" with the date and name of the person who presented gospel. Still CareNet report says "0".

Now as far as the second question regarding different results on the pregnancy intentions, I will have our nurse, Maribeth Osgood, contact you.

Thanks in ...
8.Scheduling sonograms
Posted by samsarah on 2/19/2007 2:36:33 PM
Hello - It's been awhile. We wanted to ask if you have any suggestions on how we can schedule a sonogram appointment in the appointment book so that we can recognize the difference between a pregnancy test client and a sono client at a glance. Or is it possible to create a separate appointment page to schedule sonograms?

Sarah Stone
Pregnancy Care Center
Posted by Samsarah on 5/15/2006 4:00:15 PM

We are having a problem entering a client's church on the "contact form" and making it save. When I enter it and hit "save and close", it just disappears. Any ideas?
Sarah Stone
San Antonio
10.Clients entered twice
Posted by Samsarah on 5/15/2006 4:15:01 PM
Sarah M.

You said at some time you would walk me through what to do when a client has been entered twice. We actually have quite a few. I have stressed and have a sign by the computer to check before entering a client. Meanwhile, would you please let me know what to do. What happens to the second ID#?

Sarah Stone
San Antonio, TX
11.ID #'s
Posted by Samsarah on 5/12/2006 1:00:57 PM
Could you please tell me how the computer designates the ID # to a client.
Thank you in advance.
Sarah Stone
Pregnancy Care Center
San Antonio, TX
12.Re: Mail Merge Instructions for LABELS in Word 2002/2003
Posted by Samsarah on 5/5/2006 11:34:58 AM
Thank you. The problem I am having is I can't even run a report. I am sure there is something very simple I'm not doing. I have tried for sometime to find the answer before contacting you, but I'm at a dead end and I am trying desparately to redo our entire filing system tomorrow. I filled in all the info asked for in reports, but it shows me there are no files. Please help.
Sarah Stone
Posted by Samsarah on 5/4/2006 5:24:50 PM

Would you please walk me through how to run labels. I need them for file folders. Is there another instruction manual other than the Client Management User's Guide that can help with other "how to's"? Also, when we did the data import, we had over 8,000 clients put into the system. Are those included in in the 2,500 records @ $250/year, or does that start with the clients we have entered since starting with ekyros?

Thank you in ...
14.Entering Staff/Volunteer Name
Posted by Samsarah on 4/27/2006 1:47:26 PM
Hello out there,

I have entered the list of all our staff members and counselors, but not matter what I type into the space that says Staff/Volunteer Name (in Case) it always comes out with my name. I've tried hitting just save, save and close, etc.

Also, is there a way to take things off the screen that we don't use - like social security number? I would like to simplify as much as possible.

Thanks in advance,
Sarah Stone
15.Re: Entering Staff/Volunteer Name
Posted by Samsarah on 4/27/2006 2:32:21 PM
Thanks Sarah,

Yes, the drop down list appears, I click the name of the counselor and it appears where it is supposed to and then I click save. But every time I come back to that screen, my name continues to be in the box. In other words, I cannot make it save to another name.

Thanks ever so.
Sarah S
16.Thank you!
Posted by Samsarah on 4/21/2006 3:47:05 PM
A big THANK YOU for Sarah Miller. You are an excellent teacher, patient and kind.
Hopefully I won't have to call you too often :)
Sarah S
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