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1.getting started
Posted by Ruthie on 8/16/2010 1:51:10 PM
I know we have received info on the OptionLine PlusLink in the past, but were not ready to use it. Now we would like to take a closer look. Can you tell me how to get started?
Thanks, Ruth
2.Duplicate files
Posted by Ruthie on 7/12/2010 3:24:18 PM
I have created two files for the same person and would like to combine the information into one file. Is there an "easy" way to do this?
Thanks, Ruth
3.Recording Group / Individual Education
Posted by Ruthie on 6/9/2008 12:42:10 PM
I've had a problem recording a Group Education and Individual Education on the same date. A client came for an individual class in the afternoon and stayed for an evening group class. Any suggestions?
4.Case form clarification
Posted by Ruthie on 6/12/2008 3:31:31 PM
We need clarification on the "Client's Spiritual Status" question: We are not sure if "profession of faith" refers to:
a. Believing in God but not necessarily having a relationship with God
b. Making a profession of faith,i.e.Accepting Jesus as Savior

Thought it would be good to be consistent with other entries.

Thanks so much for your help.

5.Importing records from another system
Posted by Ruthie on 2/28/2008 1:41:48 PM
We recently started using eKYROS. Is there a way to import records from CareTrak to eKyros?
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