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1.Merging donor files
Posted by JudiKay on 4/29/2011 12:18:14 AM
I was looking for this feature, but have not been able to find it. Has this update occured? If not, is there a projected date for the release?
2.Re: extra page printing out
Posted by JudiKay on 7/1/2011 7:34:55 PM
Hi Ashleigh,
I also am having this same issue. Even though my letter is short and does not exceed the space on the form. It continues ti add that extra page after the second receipt is printed.

I am also wondering if there is any way to set up the receipt with a logo and a signature? Since all receipts must be signed. I haven't figured out how to put those things on the receipt as well.
Posted by JudiKay on 4/27/2011 4:03:04 PM
when we enter events that re-occur each year. Should there be an entry for each year or only the year they participated in the event?
4.Re: Events
Posted by JudiKay on 5/9/2011 6:28:09 PM
Hi Ashleigh,
I kow that I didn't explain that very well. I was working on the update for 2010 and 2011 and some in 2009. We have the ongoing Adopt-A-Day program which keeps sponsors on the list for each year. I think what I figured out what it was going to look like was as long as they are a part of this program, they will show each year for their participation. I am beginning to look into setting up for our 2011 major fundraiser for this year and feel like I am coming into some ...
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