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1.Concepts Shared Form
Posted by IngridC on 12/17/2007 9:59:10 PM
We are undergoing a complete audit, review and revision of our client services and desire to track "differently" in concepts shared. The new concepts we wish to track will be catagorized into the options needed for the Care Net report. We have a long listing of "concepts shared" in our account - much added by well intended individuals but consequently leaving us a listing of concepts we rarely use - and now with the revision only increasing the list that we won't be ...
2.Re: Concepts Shared Form
Posted by IngridC on 12/20/2007 9:07:50 PM
Thank you for your prayers! It was one amazing storm. Here in Pierce County where we are we were affected by wind and rain but not to the degree other areas suffered in Western Washington. It seemed sureal when we watched the news reports of counties so close to us and the damage and loss sustained. Continue in prayer for these families who lost everything. Truly a Katrina experience - yet it is also a blessing to see how neighbor is helping neighbor.

Thank you for ...
3.The new Internet Explorer - Beta
Posted by IngridC on 7/3/2006 8:45:42 PM
Hello! We are so pleased with eKyros! I'm so glad we are finally on board with you. Noticed something this weekend. Microsoft has a new internet explorer (7.? Beta) I have it on my home computer. I noticed when I tried to access any area that has a drop down list with an elipsis box (appointment form - client name...pregnancy history - father's name, hospital for example), I cannot access the data information to place it into the form. Our computers at the center have not been ...
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