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Posted by HopeRC on 7/15/2005 2:59:19 PM
I know that can only be accessed through Explorer. Is there any way to change browsers? There are browsers that are a lot faster and more efficient than E and may be more beneficial to multiple office users with different browser settings.
Thank you!
2.Reporting Concepts Shared
Posted by HopeRC on 10/25/2005 12:26:38 PM
Hi. Is there a way to report from the Concepts Shared fields? Example: I need to know how many/which clients were spoken to about our Post Abortion Ministry which is listed as a topic in our Concepts Shared Form. Is there a way to pull that in reports or statistics?

Please help!
Sarah Scheafnocker
Hope Resource Center
Knoxville, TN
3.Re: Prayer
Posted by HopeRC on 7/15/2005 3:10:48 PM
We use that information on our current form (we're in the process of transferring to the CenterPiece forms) and it really is a great resource to see where a person is spiritually and then see how they grow. It is helpful to see how you can better minister to those who have refused prayer in the past if they return. Go Prayer!
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