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1.Re: Changed Mind
Posted by glendapearson on 12/8/2006 11:09:33 AM
For Focus Report - Why wouldn't Focus want to track mind changes for scenerios where clients have a p/t the last few days of a month and a sono the next month? Your reporting system can track this because it is case-based ... Since we do sonos only on Fridays (at our larger center) every month our reports will "drop" a number of mind changes. Any feedback from Focus since this last posting??

2.Large Centers Converted to eKYROS
Posted by glendapearson on 11/27/2006 12:09:31 PM
Would any of the larger centers (150 + initial visits/mth) who have converted from another software program, please contact me if you are able? We will be starting with eKYROS January '07 and have some data entry flow questions. We would like to get feedback from those of you who have "been there...done that!" My email address is:
3.Large Centers Converted to eKYROS
Posted by glendapearson on 11/27/2006 11:46:30 AM
Would any of the larger centers (150 + initial visits/mth) who have converted from another software program, please contact me if you are able? We will be starting with eKYROS January '07 and have some data entry flow questions. We would like to get feedback from those of you who have "been there...done that!" My email address is:
4.OU Report Question #23
Posted by glendapearson on 11/8/2006 1:21:13 PM
The User Guide says this question is the sum of all sections in question #22. I'm having trouble figuring out how that would provide the number of clients whose intentions are to parent or create and adoption plan or who are undecided.

Please help clarify! Thanks!
5.Re: OU Report Question #23
Posted by glendapearson on 11/10/2006 2:14:50 PM
Thanks for the correction on the word "sum", Carlye!

I think I'm still missing something though. How can the numbers from question #22 contribute to the breakdown of parenting, adoption and undecided? The numbers relate strictly to clients that month with intentions to CTT - no adoption or parenting in the question.


6.Re: OU Report Question #23
Posted by glendapearson on 11/10/2006 5:21:59 PM
Duhhh!! Got it ... finally!

Thanks, Carlye!
7.CN & OU Reports - Positive P/T Clients
Posted by glendapearson on 11/8/2006 10:16:23 AM
How does the software handle the difference in reporting criteria for positive p/t clients?

OU wants only clients who had a + p/t at our center or satellite center for questions #14 - on but CN wants all clients who had + p/t at our centers or elsewhere (health dept., doctor's office) who came to center for support and counseling (which would include POP clients) for questions #52 - on.

8.Default for Staff/Volunteer Name
Posted by glendapearson on 11/2/2006 9:53:36 AM
When doing data entry why doesn't the system retain the same staff/volunteer name throughout all the forms related to a case visit? Thanks!
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