1. | Re: Care Net Report- FOB and Exit Survey Posted by georgiahilton on 4/8/2014 2:33:02 PM I've seen the place for FOB. Where will the evaluation question be? Will it be incorporated with each "case visit" or a separate report?
Georgia |
2. | Re: Care Net Report- FOB and Exit Survey Posted by georgiahilton on 4/8/2014 2:47:06 PM Thanks Amy,
Yes, we are doing the survey at the end of each appointment. I currently don't track who the counselor is. (Frankly that takes too much time and we can always look it up in the file if we ever need the info.) Do you plan to ask who the counselor is?
G. |
3. | Re: Care Net Report- FOB and Exit Survey Posted by georgiahilton on 4/8/2014 3:19:51 PM Currently, we are just putting them into a large envelope. We've started just so our counselors can get used to it. The client does not put their name on it and she fills it out while her next appointment is being made.
The question is, where will that info be entered? If it's recorded with each visit, then it WILL be attached to the client's file. There's no way around that. We will also need to put it in her file so that I can see it.
I guess ... |
4. | SSN & phone fields Posted by georgiahilton on 3/13/2013 12:37:32 PM Please consider making the SSN & phone fields to kick out if the appropriate number of digits are not entered. I accidentally found out that I had only entered 8 numbers for the SSN. It would be nice to be alerted if all the numbers aren't entered.
Sort of a "dummy" alert. LOL
Georgia |
5. | Case Form # 12 Posted by georgiahilton on 3/12/2013 1:09:06 PM We are a college town and have lots of students. They are not dependents, but checking 'unemployed' doesn't really seem accurate. What do you recommend?
Georgia |
6. | Re: Case Form # 12 Posted by georgiahilton on 3/12/2013 2:15:39 PM If they have scholarships/grants would I list those amounts as 'income?" I either put "college" or "unemployed" on their contact info, but those stats don't show up in the same place. I am trying to differentiate between college clients and unemployed clients. What report would show both of those stats?
g. |
7. | Client file numbers Posted by georgiahilton on 2/13/2013 12:15:30 PM Is it possible to edit the client file numbers? We use our own to meet requirements of our organization. I enter my file number in the key words so I can always search for it, but I would like for it to show up somewhere in the reports. Is that possible?
G. |
8. | Re: Yearly Care Net report Posted by georgiahilton on 2/12/2013 3:10:07 PM It makes sense. I was just worried about the number based on the assumption since I didn't have confirmation of an AB.
G. |
9. | Yearly Care Net report Posted by georgiahilton on 2/12/2013 2:43:57 PM Question 38 on the yearly Care Net report asks how many clients initially assessed as AB decided to abort. In looking at the files, it seems to pull the 'last stated intention' as an absolute. I have not recorded an AB outcome for these clients, so the number really isn't accurate.
How do I correct this? I don't have enough information to change their risk assessment as they just never came back or we can't contact them.
Georgia |
10. | Another Care Net question Posted by georgiahilton on 2/12/2013 2:57:40 PM Obviously I'm working on the Care Net report ;-)
My number of new cases and my number of pregnancy tests is off by ONE. (That means on one case I didn't check pg test.) How would I even begin to track that down? It would take forever to look at each file individually.
Georgia |
11. | Separate alcohol and drug use Posted by georgiahilton on 1/31/2013 10:14:47 AM On the pregnancy test screen I would like to see question #10 separated. A lot of our clients drink occasionally and it takes time to type that in so it doesn't look like the also take drugs. A simple y/n for each would help immensely.
~~g. |
12. | Distinguishing between a new client and a new pregnancy Posted by georgiahilton on 1/15/2013 2:24:28 PM I need a report that tells me how many new, never before seen clients we have. Right now all I can find is new pregnancies, but that is a combination of new and repeat clients. I know how many we have based on the chart numbers/dates, but I'm having to do that manually and can't distinguish between positive and negatives.
Georgia |
13. | Re: Distinguishing between a new client and a new pregnancy Posted by georgiahilton on 1/15/2013 3:27:14 PM A brand new client would have a pg test on her first visit. After that, I can track her by 'class type' as we label each visit with a different name.
In any given month I may have 25 brand new clients and 10 previous clients but an new pregnancy. I don't know how to tell the difference. I know on the "case visit" screen I can choose new or return. What report will give me NEW?
G. |
14. | Re: Distinguishing between a new client and a new pregnancy Posted by georgiahilton on 1/16/2013 9:48:58 AM Thanks! In my report for 2012, I have numbers for NEW clients using the "Client Visit Statistics." The Return clients will include any follow up visits so that number is huge. I am now looking for the number of previous clients, but first visit pg test.
Obviously the new number is accurate as their first visit is always a pg test. I need a report that tells me ALL pregnancy tests divide by New clients and Previous clients.
I can run a report based on pg test, ... |
15. | Re: Distinguishing between a new client and a new pregnancy Posted by georgiahilton on 1/16/2013 11:36:09 AM Yes. I need to report brand new clients (who always get a pg test on their first visit) AND Return clients who are starting a new CASE (new pregnancy)
Even tho I start a new CASE with each pregnancy, the "case visit" screen records them as return. When that happens, I can't differentiate between a return supply visit from a return new case visit.
My board wants to know how many pg tests were preformed and the breakdown of brand new clients and previous ... |
16. | Duplicate Cases Posted by georgiahilton on 7/20/2011 11:34:05 AM As I'm entering new clients today, I've noticed that "new cases" are being duplicated when I click Save and Close. It seems to be a random number, one case was duplicated 4 times (with the number ascending from 1 to 4, not just four number 1s.) I'm just deleting the extras, but thought you should know.
Georgia |
17. | Re: Duplicate Cases Posted by georgiahilton on 7/27/2011 12:51:22 PM I seems to do it randomly and only on new client cases. I'm not sure how to replicate it. I just delete the extra ones.
~~g. |
18. | Re: Church info Gen.Info not saved Posted by georgiahilton on 5/10/2011 9:48:35 AM Yes I understand. It just makes for another step in the entry process. We have so many little churches here in the country and with the fact that we service a University, I end up adding a lot of different church names. |
19. | Re: Church info Gen.Info not saved Posted by georgiahilton on 4/26/2011 12:44:27 PM I have noticed this too. It will only save new churches if you open another window and save the "organization"
Some are one-time entries, I want to keep the info, but entering the church separately slows me down.
20. | Re: Text line Posted by georgiahilton on 2/1/2011 1:32:03 PM We just started texting and I think it's wonderful. 99% of our clients give us their cell numbers and I just make sure it's okay to text them (that it doesn't cost them to receive a text.) That way, it's private and they can delete the message. I have a better response than just leaving voice mail. Most won't return a call to verify if they are keeping their appointment, but they will reply with a yes or no. My message identifies the center, reminds them of the date/time ... |
21. | Re: Text line Posted by georgiahilton on 2/1/2011 3:00:06 PM We use Google voice ~ it's FREE. You choose a number during setup, we were lucky in that there was a number available that was close to our office number, but that's not really important. Since the clients don't have the number in their phones, I always identify myself in the text. Being online, you can easily copy/paste the message & just change the date/time part. You also have a list of those you've texted, much easier than trying to go thru your phone and look up who ... |
22. | Re: Screen layout Posted by georgiahilton on 5/4/2011 9:22:40 AM I agree. We really don't use or edit the top info very much. Maybe just switching it to the lower position and moving the active info to the top might solve this. It's nice to see the info, but it's not used as much as the bottom part.
~~g. |
23. | More CareNet questions Posted by georgiahilton on 2/24/2011 12:46:09 PM We are trying to reconcile our year-end numbers, since I haven't had this position that long I need to know which entry questions generate the numbers. Not all questions are worded the same and I'm having trouble matching them up. Is there a manual that matches them up for me?
~ Question #12 Did we provide services: Licensed Adoption Agency. We work with one, but we are not one. Where would this information be entered in the client's file? (Same for maternity ... |
24. | Re: More CareNet questions Posted by georgiahilton on 2/25/2011 11:49:06 AM Thank you so much. I noticed that a lot of my concepts were tagged as 'other' or 'unknown' and that's why the numbers weren't matching up.
Another question.... on # 33 and #34: Where do those number come from? I have several files that have rededicated life, but they aren't showing up in either question.
Also, on the profession of faith DATE question, it that the date the client originally was baptized or accepted Christ or the ... |
25. | Re: More CareNet questions Posted by georgiahilton on 3/2/2011 3:54:43 PM Thanks!
I've run some test cases and I can't get anything to show up in question 33, it keeps showing 0.
The input screen is asking for the date that our client accepted Christ, yet the CareNet report is asking if the client indicated a decision to receive Christ. If client accepted Christ years ago, then that date is entered. Even if we put the date of the counseling session as the date of acceptance, it's not showing up in Question 33.
I don't ... |