Donor File Snapshot

See your donor's important information at a glance!

When opening a donor's file, you will see the profile donor's picture, the donor's giving capacity / giving interest, as well as the donor's contact and demographic information.

In addition, you will see the donor's five year giving history in grid and graphical format that quickly gives you information on: the five-year giving totals, the donor's first gift, last gift, and the largest gift.

Donor Activities

Track all donor information including donations, pledges and pledge payments by date, type, and specific designation. Also keep track of donor receipts, correspondence and notes.

The "Activity" tab on the donor's file displays a chronological view of all activities by date.

Upload Documents


Upload donor documents such as signed pledge cards, grant information, etc. Documents are stored under the "Docs" tab in the donor file.

Documents are encrypted at rest using AES-256 algorithm meeting HIPAA PHI compliance regulations.

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Online Giving Integration

Download and post gifts received online from Stewardship Technology,, and Ministry Sync to your donor files in CenterPiece. There is no need for complicated data imports.

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QuickBooks Integration

Use the QuickBooks Connector to download, review and post transactions from the CenterPiece™ database to QuickBooks. The QB Connector allows you to review each gift prior to posting - no tedeous export and import into QuickBooks is required!

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Gift Batch Entry

Using the Gift Batch Entry feature in Donor Management your center will have the ability to create batches that will allow you to quickly enter in a large number of donations and pledges, as opposed to opening each donor file and entering the gifts into the respective donor file.

When creating the batch you have the ability to set gift defaults to streamline and speed up data entry even more. In addition, the batch total, as well as each gift that was entered, will be displayed below the data entry form, helping you keep track of what's been entered.

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Batch Receipting

Use the Batch Receipting section to generate, email, print and save statements of donation receipts in batches based on certain criteria you specify within the Batch Receipts report. These batches can be saved as a way of preserving the history of receipts that are sent to your donors.


  • You have the ability to generate a batch of receipts rather than having to print out a receipt for each donation individually.
  • A copy of the receipt is saved under each individual donor file creating an audit trail.
  • You have the flexibility to set a custom date range for the batch. This allows you to decide when you want to send out your receipts.

Email Receipts

Once your receipts are generated and saved, you have the ability to send a single, weekly, monthly or year-end donation receipts by email. The receipts can be emailed as a batch, or individually.

In addition, you will be able to see email statistics such as: opened, delivered, bounced, etc., right from the receipt.

Campaign Management


Campaign Management allows you to track and manage different fundraising campaigns. Once a campaign is created, you can associate your different events and appeals with the campaign. By associating the events and appeals with a campaign, you have the ability to track your progress towards your overall campaign goal.

At the event level, you can create a budget to track expenses, track the people involved in your event (e.g. table hosts, walkers, golfers), and track your attendees' gifts and pledges.

Donor Letters

Within the CenterPiece™ application, you have the ability to create and manage custom letters. These letters can be used to send reminders for unpaid pledges, thank you letters, announcements about upcoming events, etc.

In addition to inserting merged fields, you also have the ability to include a logo at the top of your letter and a scanned signature in the signature block of your letter.

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Donor Follow-up

Never forget to say "Thank you" again! Easily set donor follow-up to remind a staff or volunteer to call a donor, send a thank you note, remind them of an event, etc.

Follow-up is displayed on the office page when you login to CenterPiece, and on the Follow-up tab in the donor file. In addition, you can easily run a report showing all follow-ups.

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