Viewing User Profile for: charlotte4lyf
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Joined: 03-11-2013 01:57 PM
Last Login: 03-11-2013 01:59 PM
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charlotte4lyf has contributed to 2 out of 7,774 total posts (0.03% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
User Manual 3/13/2013 9:36:08 AM   (Total replies: 2)
Is there a user manual for eKyros? I am interested in any information on the donor part of the sytems.

Church Set Up 3/11/2013 2:02:05 PM   (Total replies: 1)
It seems that over time we have entered churches in a variety of ways. Can you tell me the best way to set up a church that is a donor. We want to list the pastor. Should we be using categories to help with reporting and have church and pastor as a categor?

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