Joined: 18 Feb 2018 |
Total Posts: 5 |
new to ekyros/carenet report Posted: 18 Feb 2018 04:43 PM |
This is our first year using ekyros for our carenet report.
We have been entering all 2017 client visits. Many past clients have been returning for supplies. They are not new clients in 2017 they are returning from previous years.( all clients may receive supplies until their child is 3 years old so I may have client with their initial visit back in 2015). The care net summary report i am running is counting these all as new clients for the 2017. To fix this do I need to delete all these clients data? and only put in new clients? This would not be an accurate count of supplies given though |
Re: new to ekyros/carenet report Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:20 AM |
Hi CindyR,
It's great to hear from you! CareNet counts a client as "new" based on the FIRST visit on their case. If you started data entry you want to be sure to back date the case date to the first initial date of the case, the first initial date of support-- if that was in 2016, the case date would be 2016 and it may be best to enter the first visit as well. Give your Account Manager a call so we can talk through this a bit more with you.
Ashleigh G |