A United Voice for LIFE
In 2008 over 43 million abortions were performed worldwide. In the United States alone, 1.06 million abortions (that's an average of 2,904 per day) took place in 2011 (AGI). Since abortion was legalized in the U.S. 40 years ago, over 56 million lives have been terminated by abortion (National Right to Life).
These staggering statistics have created a global mission-field that Christ-centered Pregnancy Resource Centers have lovingly and boldly stepped into. These centers have sought to impact the culture with a message of LIFE wherever abortion exists, and have given a voice to the voice-less.
By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and the collective statistics of over 1,600 CenterPiece centers, eKYROS.com is able to provide a united voice for LIFE by demonstrating the effectiveness of PRCs in changing hearts and minds towards a culture of LIFE for the glory of God.
If you are a Pregnancy Resource Center, you can join our growing community, through CenterPiece, and contribute your voice to help advance & promote the effectiveness of PRCs around the world. Simply give us a call or fill out our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!
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